Dr. Mustafa Aydın Istanbul Aydin University Board of Trustees Chairman, IAU Prof.
Dr. Yadigar İzmirli Rector, IAU
Prof.Dr. Turhan Nejat Aral Dean of Architecture and Design Faculty, IAU
Prof.Dr. Bilge Işık Conference Chair, IAU
Prof.Dr. Celal Nazım İrem UNESCO Chair Holder, Cultural Diplomacy, Governance and Education, IAU
Ayşe Deniz Özkan Vice Director, Global Education and Partnerships, IAU
10:00-11:00 SESSION 1
10:00-10:20 Prof. Dr. Marcial Blondet, Nicola Tarque, Julio Vargas, Pontifical Catholic University, Lima, Peru (Re)construction of earthquake-resistant earthen buildings
10:20-10:40 Assoc.Dr. F. Meral Halifeoğlu, Dicle University Faculty of Architecture, Diyarbakır, Turkey The culture of the city regaining a historical mansion in Diyarbakır: Cemil Pasa mansion
10:40-11:00 Assoc.Dr. Kamuran Sami, Dicle University Faculty of Architecture, Diyarbakır, Turkey
Diyarbakır historical Suriçi and a conflicting environment: a cultural heritage with its color fadded
and devastation of collective memory
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 SESSION 2
11:30-11:50 Assoc.Dr. Seyed Mohammad Hossein Ayatollahi, Fatemeh M. Bafghi, Amir S.Pakseresht,
Yazd University, School of Art and Architecture, Yazd, IRAN
The role of wind as a generator of cultural landscape in desert climate of Iran
11:50-12:10 Dr. Somayeh Omidvari, Elaheh Golzari, Science and Art University, Yazd, Iran
Tourism of Qanat: renewal after drought
12:10-12:30 Asst.Prof.Dr. Neriman Farahza, Sassan Seyedkalal, Yazd University
School of Art and Architecture, Yazd, Iran
Vazir historical complex: past, present, future
conservation, restoration, rehabilitation and revitalization
12:30-14.00 Lunch
14:00-15:20 SESSION 3
14:00-14:20 Prof.Dr.Zülküf Güneli, IAU, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Istanbul,Turkey
Urban texture and identity from past to present in Diyarbakır Suriçi
14:20-14:40 Dr.Şeniz Atik, Altan Atik, Merve Özkılıç, IAU Faculty of Architecture and Design, Istanbul, Turkey
Reconstruction of cultural landscape after disasters
14:40-15:00 Aysel Tarım, Asst.Prof.Dr. Sibel Hattap, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey
Global rebuilding: Cumalıkızık Case
15:00-15:20 Asst.Prof.Dr. Murat DAL, Munzur University, Department of Civil Engineering, Tunceli, Turkey
Decay occuring in the structure in the adobe materials
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:40 SESSION 4
15:50-16:10 Asst.Prof.Dr. Fatma Sedes, IAU, Architecture Restoration Program, Istanbul, Turkey
Man’s decay to historical environment in Zeyrek: a change on the physical texture
16:10-16:30 Asst.Prof.Dr. Şefika Ergin Oruç, Dicle University Faculty of Architecture, Diyarbakır, Turkey
Cultural landscape in the rural settlements of Diyarbakır province
16:30-16:50 Chiara Braucher, Mattia Giandomenici, Genova, Italy
Lessons from Van territory (step 1) adobe construction heritage, technics
16:50-17:10 Asst.Prof.Dr. Seyhan Yardımlı, Murat Dal,
Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Architecture and Design, Istanbul, Turkey
Water deterioration in adobe structures and measures to take
17:10-17:30 Negar Javadi, Sara Khooshro, Zangan, Tehran, Iran
Temporary Accommodation and Build shelter for survivors of disasters (Sur-Turkey)
17:30-17.40 Closed Ceremony
Secretary of Conference Gökçen F. YÜCEL, Faculty of Architecture and Design, gokcenfyucel@aydin.edu.tr